Thursday, 29 July 2010

The black and white and blue and you.

I dreamt a dream, black and white it seemed. Black and white indeed.
I dreamt a dream, black and white it seemed. But the colour blue is seeped.
My dream I dreamt in black and white and blue, My dream I dreamt in black and white before I met of you.
The dream I dreamt divided me from you.
The dream I dreamt with black and white and blue, with a glass in between and on the other side there was you.
That was just a dream, I woke up.
Now I'm Looking at reality from a Black and white point of view.

-Thato Koketso Mohuba

(Every Elements Classics pic has poem. This was the 1st ever written.)

Girl with the checked dress (Dance baby Dance)

Another night and the lady in the checked dress walks the streets.
She always wears a fancy dress for days like this.
In search of a new victim to rid her burning desire
A need so intense..
She spots her victim for the night,a young fellow thats dressd to the tens
The music sweeps away all thought
The rhythm controls their bodies
No time left for thought
Just dance
Let the magic of musical spirit
Take over us tonight
Just dance
How we come to life as the drum beat sings..

Oh yes we danced
Moved with elegance n flare
To n fro,on the dancefloor
Till da puffs of dust set by our feet...
Now here by my door i stand,
Unable 2 speak,bt simply produce a smile
And for me twas another night to remember
Soon i shall return,maybe in a brand new dress
With yet another victim n a magnificence foot'work display for all.

-By Ndamkelwe Nomkhita Nombewu

Saturday, 10 July 2010

My Top 10 movies of all time.

Schindler's list
2.The Shawshank Redemption
3.City of God
4.Bonnie and Clyde
5.Mississippi Burning
7.The Last King of Scotland
9. Cry the beloved country
10. The power of one

Lesson #2

A lil bird was flyin south for the winter.It was so cold,that the bird froze & fell 2 the ground onto a large field.While he was lying there,a cow came by & dropped some dung on him.

As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung,he began 2 realize how warm he was.The dung was actualy thawing him out!He lay there all warm & happy,& soon began 2 sing 4 joy.

A passing cat heard the bird singin & came 2 investigate.Followin the sound,the cat discovered the bird unda the pile of cow dung & promptly dug him out & ate him.

1) Not evry1 who shits on u is ur enemy
2) Not evry1 who gets u out of shit is ur friend
3) And when ur in deep shit,its best 2 keep ur mouth shut. :)

Lesson #1

A turkey was chattin wit a bull."I wud luv 2 b able 2 get 2 the top of that tree"sighed the turkey,"but I havnt got the energy."
"Well,y dnt u nibble on some of my droppings?"replied the bull. "They'r packed with nutrients."
The turkey pecked at a lump of dung,& found it actualy gave him enuf strength 2 reach the lowest branch of the tree.

The next day,afta eatin sum more dung,he reached the second branch.Finally afta a forthnight,the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.He was promptly spotted by a farmer,who shot him out of the tree.

Bullshit might get u 2 the top,but it wont keep u there.